Spa™ Thermal Water* is a unique source of soothing at the heart of the Sothys high-performance response comprising a professional cabin treatment and a range of 6 home products offering daily skin softening for naturally sensitive and temporarily sensitised*** skin.

What you will like in the Spa ™ Thermal Water sensitive skin range.

A smoothe range.

  • Scientifically proven results
  • Spa™ Thermal Water, a unique active ingredients with exceptional properties recognised for centuries and of which efficacy is finally revealed.
  • Specific professional treatment for sensitive skin by Sothys.
  • Ultra-sensorial textures to [RE]-DISCOVER the pleasure of a cabin treatment
  • 6 products adapted to the needs of the sensitive skins.


(Re)Discover 6 face products specially formulated to provide sensitive skin with formulas that have the utmost respect for its fragile nature.

The meticulous selection of every active ingredient combined with Spa™ Thermal Water** ensures a response which meets the most demanding needs of sensitive skin:

PROTECT day after day.
SOOTHE immediately.
BALANCE the skin’s tolerance threshold and diminish the skin sensitivity.

Is my skin sensitive or temporarily sensitised?

Redness, tightness, sensations of heat; the daily reality of sensitive skin involves an accumulation of discomforts.

Sensitive describes skin which reacts in an exaggerated manner to factors regarded as “normal” for other skin types (climate changes, stress, cosmetic products, etc.).
Such skin hyperreactivity can be caused by either of 2 very distinct factors:
  • a genetic predisposition, referred to as naturally sensitive skin / “My skin has never tolerated anything!”
  • exceptional external factors (e.g. extreme temperatures), referred to in this case as, temporarily sensitised skin** / “My skin no longer tolerates my usual products.”
All skin types (normal, combination, oily) can be affected and become temporarily sensitised*** skin. Sensitive skin is therefore a natural skin type but can also be a temporary condition.

For a personalized beauty diagnosis, meet your beautician at your Sothys institute/spa!

My calming routine

The treatment in cabin.

Discover the ultra-gentle textures of the Soothing professional treatment with Spa ™ Thermal Water, the treatment have been formulated to respect the sensitivity of all skin.

25% reduction in skin sensitivity****.

*Marie-Henriette natural mineral spring water from a protected environment.

** Observed value on the panel of the Biometrology and Sensorial expertise unit of Sothys group, 487 women between 20 to 71 years old.

*** Sensitised skin = skin that is occasionally sensitive.
**** Stinging test on 20 people.